members' Photographic

Quite a few of our members have photographic qualifications...

Martyn Bennet LRPS

Mike Church LRPS

Linda Marshall FRPS

David Meredith ARPS

Cliff McFarlane LRPS

Maddy Pennock ARPS

Steve Reeves LRPS CPAGB

Barbara Stanway LRPS

Ian Thompson ARPS

Colin Trow-Poole FRPS FIPF MPAGB


Kim Walton ARPS

Peter Warner ARPS

Cliff Williams ARPS

...and we actively encourage the attainment of such things. It's a wonderful way to push your skill level upward.
If you have an interest in achieving a distinction, visit our 'Panels and Distinctions' Special Interest Group page here, or speak to any of the above members.

LRPS - Licentiate of the Royal Photographic Society
ARPS - Associate of the RPS
FRPS - Fellow of the RPS
CPAGB - Credit of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain
DPAGB - Distinction of the PAGB
MPAGB - Master of the PAGB
