Welcome to Beacon Camera Club!

An introduction to the Beacon Camera Club

Welcome to Beacon Camera Club!

Postby IanT » Fri Jan 12, 2018 11:55 am

The Beacon Camera Club is a merry band of some 75 - sorry 90 (as of Sept 13) - sorry 135 (as of Sept 14) - sorry 148 (as of Sept 17) photographic enthusiasts who meet every Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. All year 'round at the Malvern Vale Community Centre, Swinyard Rd., WR14 1FG - here's a link to a map - http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/msmsid=20 ... 1e89&msa=0

You can get a programme of club events from the main club site - click the camera icon on the top left of this page.

This is the members' forum where various topics are discussed, related both to any aspect of modern photography and to the operation of the club.

It is a 'closed' forum in that only members may contribute to it. However, you, in the 'outside' world are welcome to browse the forum to get a feel for what we are about. We hope that - if you are local to Malvern, Worcestershire, that you might be inclined to join our happy bunch of snappers. You will not be able to see everything that goes on here....the meaty bits are reserved for members only! When you join you will get the keys......

A range of images taken by our members is available to view by clicking the 'Visit the Gallery' image, top right of this screen.

If you are a new 'paid-up' member who has not yet received login details for the site, send an email to webmaster@beaconcameraclub.co.uk, and we'll sort it out.

You will get more information about club activiites by visiting our Club Website - http://www.beaconcameraclub.co.uk , or click the camera image, top left of this screen.

Thanks for visiting!
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Joined: Sun Dec 27, 2009 1:21 pm
Location: Hanley Swan

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