These days of lock-down provide very good opportunities for having a good sort out. Whilst going through the cupboards in the back bedroom I came across my first ever camera buried away at the back. It is a Lubitel 2 and from memory it cost my father the princely sum of 6 guineas in the mid 1960s. It was handed over to me a year or so afterwards when he moved on to a Miranda 35mm SLR. The Lubitel 2 is a Russian twin lens reflex camera that was largely based on the far more expensive German Rolleicord. I must admit that it was always a bit of struggle using it. Focussing was difficult using the gloomy ground glass screen and I also found composition tricky with the reversed image. Allied to all of this was the slight light leakage which was very apparent in pictures taken in bright sunlight. Far from ideal for a camera.
An image of the camera and some of my early photos below. The "landscape" is Tarn Hows in the Lake District. Nothing of any photographic merit - just a bit of self-indulgent nostalgia.
Does anyone else still have their first camera (whether it be a box brownie, Canon 300D or camera phone etc etc etc)?
By the way the old Lubitel 2 still seems to work!