
Post your images here for a (perhaps frank!) appraisal by other club members

Re: Highlands

Postby billf » Fri Dec 17, 2021 12:36 pm

Another dark moody image with attractive shapes.
For me the most interesting part is the top of the peak on the left which is partially covered in cloud but my eye is drawn to the bright highlight amongst the trees on the left.
Perhaps darken that area.
Suits the monochrome treatment.
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Re: Highlands

Postby IanT » Sat Dec 18, 2021 9:58 am

It has some compositional merit, especially as the trees onthe right appear to bending towards the hill (I don't think that they are bending, though - it's just the impression they give).

It's all very tight in the frame and therefore is a bit too 'macro' for a full appreciation: more sky above the hill is needed, and more (some?) foreground would give depth. The sky is bordering on completely bland and the mist over the hill is the only relief from that.

Why monochrome? (I don't agree with Bill ;-> , sorry!) Is it really better than the colour version?

Keep it up Dylan!
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