Meeting Wednesday 29th January

Phil Hitchen has offered to lead this group which intends to expand the skill of those interested in landscape photography. Group meetings will include discussion and field trips. Phil can be contacted using

Meeting Wednesday 29th January

Postby peterr » Thu Jan 09, 2020 6:50 pm

A reminder that our next meeting is at the Great Malvern Hotel on Wednesday 29th January at 7:30 p.m. in the rear lounge.

First half of the evening:
Please bring along up to four of your recent landscape images (DPI or print) for critique and discussion. We will follow the Charlie Williams competition format in that we will take it in turns to critique before opening to the floor for wider discussion.

Second half of the evening:
I will be talking about my efforts at long exposure (30 secs or more) landscape photography, which will include technique, potential pitfalls and the sort of subjects that are suited to this type of subject. For those of you that like doing this type of work, you are more than welcome to join in and to bring some of your own attempts!

All members of BCC welcome.
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Joined: Sun Dec 27, 2009 1:21 pm

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