Next Meeting Mon 15th Nov -'The Digital Magic Lantern Show'

The Beacon Audio Visual Group is led by Peter Warner ARPS and was set up to support members in creating audio-visual sequences and developing their understanding and expertise in producing them. The group meets on a monthly basis, usually on the first Monday evening of the month, in the Beacon Room at the Vale Community CentreThe programme includes a mixture of workshops, sharing of AVs, lectures and an annual competition. Peter can be contacted using

Next Meeting Mon 15th Nov -'The Digital Magic Lantern Show'

Postby peterw » Wed Nov 10, 2021 12:25 pm

A reminder that Monday’s AV group will be on zoom not live in the Beacon Room. The link for the meeting is:

The title of the talk is:

"The Digital Magic Lantern Show"
Linda Gibbs MPAGB AV-AFIAP &

It'll be a mix of showing their AVs and an inclusion of some practical demonstrations as well. They will probably show some of their early productions as well as their later ones.

I will open the zoom session shortly after 7pm with a view of staring promptly at 7:30pm.

I hope you can make what should be an interesting and informative session.
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