RPS AV Group International Retrospective

The Beacon Audio Visual Group is led by Peter Warner ARPS and was set up to support members in creating audio-visual sequences and developing their understanding and expertise in producing them. The group meets on a monthly basis, usually on the first Monday evening of the month, in the Beacon Room at the Vale Community CentreThe programme includes a mixture of workshops, sharing of AVs, lectures and an annual competition. Peter can be contacted using av@beaconcameraclub.co.uk.

RPS AV Group International Retrospective

Postby peterw » Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:23 am

Over the weekend of 26th and 27th September the RPS AV Group will be presenting the 'RPS AV Retrospective'. This will be a zoom based event and it is FREE!.

The Retrospective will be a balanced Programme of carefully selected AVs starting with the winner of the first digital award at the 2002 International Festival all the way through to the International Grand Prix winner in 2018.

Details and how to book can be found at:

https://rps.org/events/groups/audio-vis ... ospective/

This is an oportunity for anyone to join in and see the best AVs of recent years from the comfort of your own home at no cost, please think about signing up, even if you can only see a few of th AVs.

Timetable for the RPS International Audio Visual Retrospective

Saturday Afternoon Sessions - 26th September 2020
13:30 Zoom “WAITING ROOM” opens
14:15 Projection Session ONE
15:45 BREAK
16:00 Projection Session TWO
17:30 FINISH

Saturday Evening Sessions - 26th September 2020
18:30 Zoom “WAITING ROOM” opens
19:15 Projection Session THREE
20:15 BREAK
20:30 Projection Session FOUR
21:30 FINISH

Sunday Afternoon Sessions - 27th September 2020
13:30 Zoom “WAITING ROOM” opens
14:15 Projection Session FIVE
15:45 BREAK
16:00 Projection Session SIX
17:30 FINISH

Sunday Evening Sessions - 27th September 2020
18:30 Zoom “WAITING ROOM” opens
19:15 Projection Session SEVEN
20:15 BREAK
20:30 Projection Session EIGHT
21:30 FINISH
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Re: RPS AV Group International Retrospective

Postby peterw » Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:31 am

N.B. the closing date to book is Wednesday 23rd September.
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