Leader for group wanted

Group Leader Gareth Roberts This is where discussion and images of portrait work will be found. The group usually meets on the third Wednesday of the month at the Great Malvern Hotel. Gareth can be cotnacted using portrait@beaconcameraclub.co.uk.

Leader for group wanted

Postby TonyMac » Sat May 02, 2020 8:21 am

We are looking for someone to lead the portrait group. You can organize evenings may be get models in talk about lighting techniques or organise people to come in and give talks. organise trips to re-enactment days it's up to you how you organise it there is one meeting s month and it is a very popular goup. You don't have to be an expert just have an interest you can organise for more experienced members to give talks think of things you and the group want to achieve and learn together. If your interested please mail me at tonybeaconcameraclub@btinternet.com
Summer programme secretary
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Joined: Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:03 am

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