Image Gallery Instructions

The Members' Image Gallery is available, free, to all BCC members. In it, you can place your own images in any number of albums, which are managed entirely by you. Also, you can leave comments on images in other members' albums, and rate the images they present with a 'star' system. Non-members (i.e. the rest of the World!) can view the images but not edit the albums, nor leave comments. If your images are valuable, don't post them in high-resolution form. Alternatively, watermark them (see a later post for how to do this).
You can get to the Image Gallery by clicking on the 'Visit the Gallery' image at the top right of the forum screen (obvious, innit?). As the gallery is integrated with the forum software, posting images and navigating is no different to normal.
You have the ability to add comments to your images. This is a good thing to do because it will help people understand how the shot was achieved, so please do it.
If you have any questions or comments about the Gallery or its operation, please post them in this forum section, not the 'How Do I' section.
You can get to the Image Gallery by clicking on the 'Visit the Gallery' image at the top right of the forum screen (obvious, innit?). As the gallery is integrated with the forum software, posting images and navigating is no different to normal.
You have the ability to add comments to your images. This is a good thing to do because it will help people understand how the shot was achieved, so please do it.
If you have any questions or comments about the Gallery or its operation, please post them in this forum section, not the 'How Do I' section.